Dean/Professor in Agricultural Engineering
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science
Faculty of Agriculture
P: +94-25-2221610 / 714458680
F: +94-25-2221610
E: gvtvw@agri.rjt.ac.lk
- Patents
DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Agricultural Engineering) 2020, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
The DEGREE OF THE MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY (Agricultural Engineering) in 2009 by Course Work & Research, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. (G.P.A. 3.82)
The DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF THE SCIENCE OF AGRICULTURE (Specialization in Agricultural Engineering) in 2001 obtaining SECOND CLASS UPPER DIVISION (HONOURS), University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
D.H.E. MOHOTTI MEMORIAL GOLD MEDAL, at the 10th general convocation – University of Ruhuna, for the graduate who passed out in 2001 with the best performance in the farm practice course at the faculty of Agriculture.
The best presentation in the session of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at the Twenty Ninth Annual Congress, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, November 16-17, 2017.
World Science Flame 2016, for the outstanding achievement and excellent contribution in the noble case of science on the eve of the 6th International Science Conference held at the PGIMER Dr. R.M.L. Hospital, New Delhi on 23rd to 25th December, 2106
Certificate Course on Staff Development, at the Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. (1st December 2006 - 30th June 2007)
Computer course including Disk Operating System, Windows Operating System, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Data Analyzing packages SAS, SPSS and MINITAB – Computer training unit, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna (120 h).
Proficiency in English Final Certificate, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Intensive Course in Communication English Language Skills conducted by Provincial council, Sbaragamuwa. (15 January – 15 July, 1995)
Professor in Agricultural Engineering in the Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 30.06.2022 to date).
Senior Lecturer (Gr. I) in Power and Machinery, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.12.2016 to 29.06.2022).
Senior Lecturer (Gr. II) in Power and Machinery, Department of Agricultural Systems/Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.12.2010 to 30.11.2016).
Lecturer in Power and Machinery, Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.12.2005 to 30.11.2010).
Research Officer (Gr. III), Agric. Engineering Division, Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawa (From 18.01.2005 to 30.11.2005).
Temporary Lecturer in Agric. Engineering, Department of Agricultural Systems, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 13.06.2002 to 17.01.2005).
Temporary Assistant Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna (From 25.02.2002 to 12.06.2002).
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 26.08.2022 to date).
- Chairman, Board of study of the postgraduate programme in Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL (From 26.08.2022 to date)
- Chairperson, Postgraduate Programs Development Fund Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL (02.01.2023 to date)
- Member, Management Committee, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Pereadeniya (From 26.08.2022 to date)..
- Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 25.07.2019 to 25.08.2022).
- Subject Coordinator, Master of Agriculture Degree Programme, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (2020 Onwards).
- Council Member RUSL, (From 26.11.2020 to date)
- Member, Board of study of the postgraduate programme in Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL (From 25.07.2019 to 25.08.2022)
- Coordinator, Technology Incubation Centre – RUSL, (From 03.07.2019 to 25.08.2022)
- Project Coordinator, Cooperation between Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka toward the accelerated agriculture & livestock development programme (From 08.12.2021 to 25.08.2022).
- Head, Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.12.2010 to 19.08.2011)
- Senior Student Counselor, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 18.01.2011 to 25.08.2011)
- Member of the Disciplinary Board – Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (2009 - 2011) & (From 27.06.2023 up to date)
- Publication Coordinator of Abstracts of Final Research – 2008 (Vol.02 & 03). Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (ISSN: 1800-3354).
- Member of the Editorial Board
Abstracts of Final Research – 2008 (Vol.02 & 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354)
- Proceedings of the 5th Undergraduate Research Symposium 2013 (ISSN: 2012-5623).
- Proceedings of the 8th Annual Research Symposium 2016, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sir Lanka (ISSN: 2012-5623).
- Proceedings of the 9th Annual Research Symposium 2017, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sir Lanka (ISSN: 2012-5623).
- Proceedings of the 12th Annual Research Symposium 2020, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sir Lanka (ISSN: 2012-5623).
- Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Sir Lanka - ISSN: 2673 1401 (From 09.04.2021 to 25.08.2022)
- Member of Reviewing Panel
- 3rd International Research Symposium (IRSyRUSL 2015, faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
- National Postharvest Research Symposium (NPRS) 2018. Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Research and Development Center, Anuradhapura.
- 10th Annual Research Symposium 2018. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- 11th Annual Research Symposium 2019. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2020 (ISAE 2020), Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
- Journal of Agricultural Science, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, 2020
- 6th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2020)
- 4th National Symposium on Agriculture – 2021 (NAS 2021), Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lankan Journal of Technology (SLJoT), South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2021
- Seventh International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (ICDA 2021)
- Rajarata University Journal (2021)
- 13th Annual Research Symposium 2021. Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- 9th International Conference on Agriculture (AGRICO 2022), International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM)
- Warden (Boy’s Hostel)/Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.06.2009 to 31.05.2010)
- Student Counselor, faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 01.12.2007 to 31.12.2010).
- Academic Sub Worden, Prof. S.H. Upesena memorial Boys’ Hostel, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 03.04.2007 to 02.04.2009).
- Visiting Lecturer:
- Master Degree Programme, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (2020 Onwards)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Rural Development, Board of Study in Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (2022 Onwards)
- Department of Materials Technology, Faculty of Technology, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (2019 Onwards)
- University College of Batangala (2016 Onwards)
- Department of Agricultural Systems, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (From 15.01.2005 to 14.01.2006).
- Department of Export Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (Semester I, 2004/2005).
A Member of Panel of Judges to evaluate innovations, Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (2016 Onwards).
Resource Person, Awareness programme on Inventions and Innovations, Sri Lanka Inventors Commission (2018 Onwards).
Chief Examiner G.C.E. (A/L)
66 Biosystems Technology – 2018 & 2020.
08 Agricultural Science – 2021 Onwards
Co-controller, G.C.E.(A/L.) – 66 Biosystems Technology (Practical) – 2017 Onwards.
1. Kahandage, P.D. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kosgollegedara, E.J. 2020. šhr bisk hka;% ksis wdldr Ndú;h yd kv;a;=j. Anuradhapura: Department of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. (ISBN978-955-0189-26-7)
Book Chapters:
1. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Karthigayini, S. 2023. Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Technologies in Sri Lanka: Scope, Present Status, Problems, Prospects, Policy Issues, and Strategies. In K. Pakeerathan (ed.), Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations, Advanced Technologies and Societal Change, Springer. (ISBN 978-981-19-8738-0) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-8738-0_9
2. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2012. Teaching techniques to make adult education effective. In Teaching, Learning, Assessment & Skills Development in Higher Education, Concepts and Applications Edited by Jayasinghe, K.U., and Jayaweera, A. Makandura, Gonawila (NWP), Sri Lanka: Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, 119 – 127. (ISBN 978-955-8746-67-7)
Research publications in refereed journals:
1. Kahandage, P.D.; Piyathissa, S.D.S.; Ariesca, R.; Namgay; Ishizaki, R.; Kosgollegedara, E.J.; Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V.; Ahamed, T.; Noguchi, R. 2023. Comparative Analysis of Paddy Harvesting Systems toward Low-Carbon Mechanization in the Future: A Case Study in Sri Lanka. Processes 2023, 11, 1851. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11061851
2. Nie T., Lu D., Zhang Z., Yang H., Gong Z., Chen P., Li T., Lin Y., Wang M., Du C., Dai C. and Weerasooriya T. 2022. Adaptabilities of Water Production Function Models for Rice in Cold and Black Soil Region of China. Agronomy, 2022, 12(12), 2931, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12122931
3. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2022. Development of power weeder for 3 row-planted paddy. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) (ISSN 2454-6194), 7(III), March 2022, Pp.63-76, DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.51584/IJRIAS.2022.7303
4. Kahandage, P.D., Pathirana, M.A.B.L., Balasuriya, A., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Piyathissa, S.D.S., Charithangi, M.P., Kosgollegedara, E.J. and Ariyawansha, T. 2021. Nut cracking machine for Terminalia Catappa (Tropical almond/Kottamba). Rajarata University Journal (ISSN: 2362-0080), 6(II) December 2021, Pp.30 – 35.
5. Kahandage, P.D., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Ranasinghe, V.R., Kosgollegedara E.J. and Piyathissa, S.D.S. 2021. Design development and performance evaluation of a seed paddy cleaning machine. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems (eISSN 2673-1401), 3(2), December, 2021, Pp.41–52. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljae.v3i2.78
6. Galappaththi, G.M.A.S., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Fernando, A.J. and Senanayaka, D.P. 2021. Development of solar assisted multi-crop dryer. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems (eISSN 2673-1401), 3(1), June 2021, pp.17–29.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljae.v3i1.58
7. Kahandage, P. D., Hettiarachchi, S. W., Weerasooriya, G. V. T. V., Kosgollegedara, E. J. and Piyathissa, S. D. S. 2021. Design, development, and performance evaluation of a mechanical device for harvesting pineapple. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) (eISSN: 2456-6470), 5(4), June 2021, 1109-1116, URL: www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd42548.pdf
8. Kumarasiriwardhana, C. A., Kahandage, P. D. and Weerasooriya, G. V. T. V. 2020. Design, fabrication and evaluation of solar and biomass hybrid dryer with trackable solar collector. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems (eISSN: 2673-1401), 2(2), December, 2020, 164 – 182. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljae.v2i2.45
9. Wijesingha, W.I.A.I., Kosgollegedara, E.J., Kahandage, P.D. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2019. Development of a vacuum type pan evaporator for kithul treacle and jaggery production. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems (ISSN: 2673-1401), 1(1), August, 2019, 61 – 72.
10. Sandaruwan, E.A.A., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Fernando, A.J. 2019. Design and development of a two-wheel tractor coupled bund plastering and canal (kiwul-ela) making equipment. Sri Lankan Journal of Agriculture and Ecosystems (ISSN: 2673-1401), 1(1), August, 2019, 102 – 116.
11. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Jayatissa, D.N. and Rambanda, M. 2017. Comparative Assessment of newly designed burial type lowland power cultivator for weed control. Tropical Agricultural Research (ISSN:1016.1422), 29 (1), 1 – 11.
12. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Jayatissa, D.N. and Rambanda, M. 2016. Bulk soil properties as determinants of soil surface shear strength of puddled lowland rice soils of Sri Lanka affected by weed controlling methods. Tropical Agricultural Research (ISSN:1016.1422), 27 (4), 325 – 335.
13. Fernando, A.J., Adikarinayake, T.B. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2013. Design and development of a two-wheel tractor driven coconut fertilizer applicator. COCOS, The Journal of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka (ISSN – 0255-4100), 20 (1), June, 2013, 27-37.
14. Xianzhe Zheng, Chenghai Liu, Yanqiu Mu, Haijun Liu, Xiangyu Song, Zhen Lin, Daiya Liu and Weerasooriya, G. V. T. V. 2012. Analysis of puffing characteristics using a sigmodal function for the berry fruit snack subjected to microwave vacuum conditions, Drying Technology: An International Journal (ISSN:0737-3937 print/1532-2300 online), 30(5), February 2012, 494 – 504, DOI: 10.1080/07373937 .2011.647996
15. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Bandara, M.H.M.A. and Rambanda, M. 2011. Performance evaluation of four-wheel tractor driven high-capacity combined paddy thresher. Tropical Agricultural Research (ISSN: 1016.1422), 22 (3), 273 – 281.
16. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Jayatissa, D.N. and Rambanda, M. 2016. Practical field test on newly designed burial type lowland power cultivator for effective weed control in North-Central province of Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research (ISSN: 1016.1422), 28 (1), 107 – 114
17. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Jayatissa, D.N. and Rambanda, M. 2015. Bulk soil properties as determinants of the compression strength of puddled lowland paddy soils in Sri Lanka. Tropical Agricultural Research (ISSN: 1016.1422), 26 (3), 561 – 568 .
Research publications at National/International Conferences/ Symposia (Full Papers):
1. Kahandage, P.D., Piyathissa, S.D.S., Kosgollegedara, E.J., weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Namgay, Ishizaki R., Noguchi, R.,and Ahamed T. 2022. Performance analysis of paddy harvesting systems of Sri Lanka in view of energy, cost, greenhouse gas emission, and residual biomass. In Extended Abstract Book, 10th Asian Conference on Biomass Science ACBS 2022, Paper presented at the 10th Asian Conference on Biomass Science (ACBS 2022) held on November 25, 2022. Pp. 057 – 061. Hybrid, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, PIM, Thailand.
2. Herath, H.M.B.H., Bandara, D.M.S.P., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. Kosgollegedara, E.J., Karthigayini, S., Wijethunga, G.A.M.A., and Marasinghe, C.K. 2021. Performance evaluation of a power operated groundnut decorticator. In Proceedings of the National Engineering Research Symposium 2021 (NERS 2021) (ISBN 978-624-5505-01-2). Paper presented at the National Engineering Research Symposium 2021 held on 11th November 2021. Pp. 46 – 54. Ekala, Ja-Ela: National Engineering Research and Development Center of Sri Lanka.
3. Kahandage, P.D., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Hapuarachchi, A.S.K. and Charithangi, M.P. 2017. Design development and performance evaluation of harvesting equipment for pepper (Piper nigrum). In Symposium Proceedings – 2017. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Agriculture (ISA – 2017) of the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, held on 6th October, 2017. Pp 85 – 93. Chenkaladi: Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University of Sri Lanka.
4. Kahandage, P.D., Rupasinghe, C.P., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Alwis, P.L.A.G. 2016. Mechanization of growing media preparation and poly bags filling in oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) cultivation. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture & Environment. ISAE 2016 (ISBN: 978-955-1507-25-1, ISSN: 1800-4830). Paper presented at the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE 2016) of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 13th January 2016. Pp 215 - 217. Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
5. Kahandage, P.D., Rupasinghe, C.P., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Alwis, P.L.A.G. 2015. Mechanization of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreaturs) production with mango saw dust. In Symposium Proceedings (Part I) (ISSN 2235-9710). Paper presented at the 3rd International Research Symposium – 2015 of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 26th – 27th January 2016. Pp. 27 – 36. Mihintale: Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
6. Ahamaed, H.F., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Kahandage, P.D. 2013. Design development and testing of two-wheel tractor coupled drainage channel digger. In Proceedings of the RUSL Third Annual Research Symposium 2013. (ISSN: 2235-9710). Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Research Symposium 2013 of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 7th February 2013. Pp 43 – 44. Mihintale: Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
7. Maithripala, S.P.K., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kahandage, P.D. and Ginigaddara, G.A.S. 2013. Design development and testing of combined manual weeder and marker for row planted paddy (Sri method). In Proceedings of the RUSL Third Annual Research Symposium 2013. (ISSN: 2235-9710). Paper presented at the 3rd Annual Research Symposium 2013 of Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 7th February 2013. Pp 51 – 52. Mihintale: Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
8. Dissanayake, A.D.S.L., Bandara M.H.M.A., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Fernando, A.J. 2012. Performance of a newly fabricated finger millet processing machine. In Proceedings (ISBN 978-955-1507-25-1; ISSN 1800-4830). Paper presented at the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (ISAE 2012) of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 29th November 2012. Pp 261 - 263. Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
9. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Jayatissa, D.N. and Rambanda, M. 2016. Paddy weed management in Sri Lanka. Paper presented at the 6th International Science Conference of world science Congress held on 23rd to 25th December 2016 at PGIMR, Dr. RML Hospital New Delhi. Pp 30-32. Kolkata: World Science Congress
10. Kulathunaga, R.D.L., Silva, S.H.S.A. De.; Silva, K.M.P. De. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Water requirement for wet land preparation during Yala season in different drainage classes of Non-Calcic Brown Soils. In Annals of the Sri Lanka Department of Agriculture 2009 (ISSN 1391 – 6947). Pp 223 – 228. Sri Lanka: Department of Agriculture.
Research publications at National/International Conferences/ Symposia (Abstracts):
1. Ramanayake, R.P.A., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kahandage, P.D., Kosgollegedara, E.J. and Karthigayani, S. 2022. Designing of a Two-Wheel Tractor Coupled Rice Husk Biochar Applicator for Low-Land Paddy Fields. In 14th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 14th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 10th Nonmember. P 01. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
2. Udukumbura, U.K.T.S., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kosgollegedara, E.J., Kahandage, P.D. and Karthigayani, S. 2022. Designing of a Two-Wheel Tractor Coupled Fodder Chopping Machine. In 14th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 14th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 10th Nonmember. P 02. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
3. Nanayakkara, N.W.K.G., Kosgollegedara, E.J., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kahandage, P.D. and Karthigayani, S. 2022. Designing of a Two-Wheel Tractor Coupled Fodder Chopping Machine. In 14th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 14th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 10th Nonmember. P 07. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
4. Manawaduge, S.R., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kosgollegedara, E.J., Kahandage, P.D. and Karthigayani, S. 2022. Testing and Evaluation of a New Weeder Cum Fertilizer Applicator for Coconut Cultivations. In 14th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 14th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 10th Nonmember. P 09. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
5. Pemadasa, G.K.S.N., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. Kosgollegedara, E.J. Karthigayani, S. and Pathiranage, S.R.W. 2021. Testing, evaluation and implementation of bush weeder for tea plantations in Sri Lanka. In 13th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 13th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 29th April 2021. P 34. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
6. Jayawardana, R.P.D., Kahandge, P.D. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2021. Assessment of the energy consumption and potentials for the use of renewable energy in paddy cultivation of Sri Lanka. In 13th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 13th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture; Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 29th April 2021. P 38. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
7. Kosgollegedara, E.J., Gunathilaka, H.A.W.S. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2021. Design, development, and performance evaluation of a camera integrated height-adjustable device for harvesting black pepper (Piper nigrum L.). In proceedings of Wayamba University Research Congress 2021 (ISBN: 978-624-5564-27-9, ISSN: 2630-7553). Paper presented at the Wayamba University Research Congress 2021, held on December 03, 2021. Pp 11-12. Senate Research and Higher Degrees Committee; Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
8. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2021. Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) technologies in Sri Lanka: scope, present status, problems, prospects, policy issues and strategies. In Abstract Compilation of International Workshop on Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations: Broder Perspectives and Special Challenges for Island States. Paper presented at International Workshop on Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations: Broder Perspectives and Special Challenges for Island States held on 11 – 12 August 2021. Pp 47 - 49. Mauritius: Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), New Delhi, India & Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science & Technology, Phoenix, Republic of Mauritius, [Virtual-Mode].
9. Wasala, T.A.P.N.K., Kahandge, P.D., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Somasiri, S.C. 2020. Development of a small-sale hay baler. In 12th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 30th July 2020. P 16. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
10. Abeywardhana, T.A.R.U. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2020. Design development and evaluation of coconut weeder cum fertilizer applicator. In 12th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 30th July 2020. P 17. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
11. Kumara, M.A.D.S., Abeyrathna, K.H.D. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2020. Performance evaluation of four-wheel tractor-mounted disc ratooner in sugarcane crop management. In 12th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 30th July 2020. P 20. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
12. Wimalaweera, T.P.M., Fernando, A.J., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Bandara, D.M.S.P. 2020. Drying characteristics of paddy in a hot-air batch dryer. In 12th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 30th July 2020. P 26. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
13. Wickramasingha, W.A.M.D.D., Kosgollegedara, E.J. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2020. Design, development and evaluation of fruit bagging machine for commercial guava cultivation in Sri Lanka. In 12th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 12th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka held on 30th July 2020. P 30. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
14. Bandara, M.P.D.D.K., Dissanayake, T.M.R., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Kosgollegedara, E.J. 2018. Development of an infrared-assisted dried air dryer for drying of fresh pepper. In 10th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 10th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 05th September 2018. P 3. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
15. Ranasinghe, M.K.N.K., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Kahandage, P.D. 2018. Improved solar water distillation unit for drinking water production from hard water. In 10th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 10th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 05th September 2018. P 5. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
16. Premalal, N.H.L.S., Somasiri, S.C., Basnayake, G. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2018. Development of a strategic cleaning procedure for effective water usage at the meat processing factory, Keells Food Product PLC. In 10th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 10th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 05th September 2018. P 48. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
17. Senarathne, H.P.B.G., Kahandage, P.D. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2017. Comparative performance evaluation of manually operated single row maze seed driller. In 9th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 9th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 21st September 2017. P 31. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
18. Thennakoon, T.M.A.R., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Rambanda, M. 2015. Design development and testing of lowland power weeder. In 7th Annual Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the 7th Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. p 20. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
19. Jayasiri, M.M.J.G.C.N., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Kahandage, P.D. and Fernando, A.J. 2014. Design development and testing of manually operated pineapple harvester. In Abstracts (ISBN:978-955-644-034-8). Paper presented at the International Conference of Agricultural Science of the Faculty of Agricultural Science, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka held on 9th- 10th January 2014. P 82. Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agricultural Science, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
20. Dissanayaka, L.D.U.D.B., Bandara, M.H.M.A., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Fernando, A.P.S. and Fernando, A.J. 2013. Assessment of potential and adaption of farm machineries by vegetable and potato cultivators in Nuwara Eliyal district. In Undergraduate Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 31st July 2013. P 80. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
21. Rathnasekara, A.K.K.D., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V., Ginigaddara, G.A.S. and Kahandage, P.D. 2013. Modification and evaluation of five row weeder for weed controlling in system of rice intensification. In Undergraduate Research Symposium Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 31st July 2013. P 86. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
22. Rathnayake, M.R.M.P.K., Kahandage, P.D., Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Bandara, M.H.M.A. 2011. Appropriateness and required modifications for existing machineries in paddy production in North Central Province. In Undergraduate Research Symposium 2011 Proceeding (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 16th September 2011. P 46. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
23. Rathnayake, R.M.G.V., Dissanayake, T.M.R. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2011. Evaluation of rice de-stoner for dried black pepper. In Undergraduate Research Symposium 2011 Proceeding (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 16th September 2011. P 51. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
24. Suranga, K.B.P, Wijeratna, M.A., Pathiranage, S.R.W. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2011. The impact of mechanical harvesting on yield and regeneration in low grown tea in Sri Lanka. In Undergraduate Research Symposium 2011 Proceeding (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 16th September 2011. P 66. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
25. Karunarathna, K.S., Bandara, D.M.S.P. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2010. Performance evaluation of finger millet de-stoning machine. In Research Symposium 2010 Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 4th June 2010. P 14. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
26. Padmakumara, H.H., Dissanayaka, T.M.R. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2010. Performance evaluation of pepper steam sterilization machine. In Research Symposium 2010 Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 4th June 2010. P 15. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
27. Wickramasiri, H.G.S.C., Dissanayaka, T.M.R. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2010. Evaluation of abrasive type rice flour milling machine for its performances. In Research Symposium 2010 Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 4th June 2010. P 16. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
28. Bandara, A.M.S.T., Dissanayaka, T.M.R. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2010. Evaluation the suitability of the IPHT multi crop dryer for production black lime. In Research Symposium 2010 Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 4th June 2010. P 44. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
29. Wijayabandara, W.A.G., Wasala, W.M.C.B. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Modified low-cost evaporative cooling device by Institute of Post-Harvest Technology. In Research Symposium 2009 Proceedings (ISSN: 2012-5623). Paper presented at the Undergraduate Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 7th May 2009. P 52. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
30. Dharmasena, H.M.T.M., Bandara Dissanayake, B.D.M.P. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Performance evaluation of IPHT small scale dryer for parboiled paddy. In Proceedings (ISSN 1800-4830). Paper presented at the Second National Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna held on 10th September 2009. P 58. Mapalana, Kamburupitiya: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
31. Dissanayake, A.D.S.L., Bandara, M.H.M.A. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2008. Design and development of a finger millet threshing, dehusking and cleaning machine. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 30th April 2009. P 35. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
32. Jayasundara, R.L.K., Bandara, M.H.M.A. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Design and development of a motorized rice transplanter. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 30th April 2009. Pp 39 – 40. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
33. Kumara, W.G.A.S., Nissanka, N. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Conversion of organic part of municipal solid waste in to compost as an organic fertilizer for paddy cultivation in dry zone. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 30th April 2009. Pp 41 – 42. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
34. Rajapaksha, P.R.M.M.M., Bandara, M.H.M.A. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Design and development of a high land power seeder. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 30th April 2009. P 43. Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
35. Wijekoon, R.D.R., Bandara, M.H.M.A. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2009. Design and development of low land power weeder. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 03) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 30th April 2009. P 45. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
36. Karunarathna, E.W.P.C., Rathnayake, H.M.A.P. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2008. Evaluation of performance of compartment type paddy separator for de-stoning of finger millet. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 02) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 18th December 2008. Pp 89 – 90. Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
37. Premasiri, H.G.S.S., Bandara, D.M.S.P. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2008. Evaluation of the IPHT small scale crop dryer. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 02) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 18th December 2008. Pp 95 – 96. Anuradhapura: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
38. Wijesundara, L.A.S.P., Rathnayake, M.A.P. and Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. 2008. Design and evaluation of a finger millet cleaning machine. In Abstracts of Final Year Research – 2008 (Vol. 02) (ISSN: 1800-3354). Paper presented at the Final Year Research Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, held on 18th December 2008. Pp 99 – 100. Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka: Faculty of Agriculture, RUSL.
39. Weerasooriya, G.V.T.V. and Weerasinghe, K.D.N. 2008. Soil moisture behavior in Red yellow podzolic soils under tea canopy and bare soil. In Proceedings (ISSN 1800-4830). Paper presented at the National Symposium 2008 of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, held on 23rd – 24th October 2008. P 100. Mapalana, Kamburupitiya: Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
A pull-type bund plastering and canal (kiwul-ela) making machine (Patent No: 20513), 2022
Training programme on Design, Operation & Maintenance of Reverse Osmosis Based Drinking Water Treatment, has held at the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, on 11th August, 2017.
Awareness workshop on Innovations Inventions and Patenting Process, organized by section B (Agriculture and Forestry) of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science at the auditorium of the SLAAS on 2nd September, 2016
Workshop on PATENT DRAFTING, jointly organized by NSF,ITI,IDLO Alumni Association, Sri Lanka in cooperation with World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and IDLO – Rome, Italy. Colombo, Sri Lanka. (28th January – 01st February 2013)
One day 4-wheel tractor workshop at Hector Kobbeckkaduwa Agrarian Research Training Institute – Colombo. Conducted by FMRC, AgMMA with TAFE India. (25th March, 2011)
Workshop on SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Solutions) for Data Analysis, Organized by Account Professional Secretariat, Department of Accountancy, University of Kelaniya. (28th August, 2009)
Workshop on Research Management, conducted by staff development Centre, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, in collaboration with National Academy of Agricultural Research Management, Hyderabad, India (27 – 28 December, 2007)
Workshop on “How to Build a Pleasing Personality and Positive Attitudes towards the Success” at Faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (19th December, 2007)
Workshop on Student Counseling at faculty of Agriculture, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. (11th December, 2007)
Workshop on Research Proposal Writing, held in collaboration with the Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition funding by Improving Relevance & Quality of Undergraduate Education (IRQUE) Quality Enhancement Fund (QEF) at the Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, (02nd March 2007)
Training programme on Teaching Methodology, organized by the Staff Development Centre, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka (30th – 31st May 2006)
Certificate course on GIS, organized by the Board of study in Agricultural Engineering of PGIA & Geo-Informatics Society of Sri Lanka (GISSL) (15th – 19th May, 2006)
Short course on Design & Analysis of experiments, conducted by the Board of Study in Bio-statistics of Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. (14 – 18 March 2005)
Course of Training in Post-Harvest Technology at Institute of Post-Harvest Technology, Anuradhapura. (10 – 14 September 2001)
Practical Training in Food Technology at Cathy Rich Memorial Food Processing Training Center, Yodha Gama, Embilipitiya. (18 – 22 June 2001)
International Workshop on ‘Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations: Broader Perspectives and Special Challenges for Island States’, August 11-12, 2021 Mauritius: Jointly Organized by Centre for Science & Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre), New Delhi, India & Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science & Technology, Phoenix, Republic of Mauritius, [Virtual-Mode].
International Training Workshop on Water Conservancy Project Construction and Efficient Utilization of Water Resources in the Cold Region of China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Belt from August 28, 2020 to September 16, 2020 at Heilongjiang University.
Training Course on Technology of Agricultural Machinery and Water Saving Irrigation for Sri Lanka. Organized by Chines Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences (CAAMS), Beijing, China. (24th August to 22nd September, 2019)
Invited talk on the ever of 6th International Science conference of World Science Congress held at the PGIMER Dr. R.M.L Hospital, New Delhi, on 23rd to 25th December, 2016
Seminar on Integrated Prevention and Control of Agricultural Crop Disease and Pests for ASEAN Countries. Organized by Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science, Haikou, China. (7th to 27th September, 2016)
Training programme on ‘Application of Drip Irrigation Systems’ in India, organized by International Development Enterprise of India. (13 – 19 March 2006)