Revised Academic Calendar
Please download the academic calendar here.
Please download the academic calendar here.
1.Given the current situation with Corona-virus (COVID-19), The fines of the books will not be calculated until 02.09 2020. Any fines accrued during the lock down period will be waived when the items are returned. 2.The library will be opened from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on week days until further notice. 3.You all can download past papers (from 2017 to…
Harvesting Ceremony of Sustainable Agricultural Project – 15.12.2022
Relaunching of the Agri-Food Outlet was conducted on 28.02.2023
Staff Training Session on Assessment Blueprints and Rubrics By Faculty Quality Assurance Cell and AHEAD Faculty DP was held on ON THU, 30 MARCH at Hotel Four Points 3.00 pm.