Head of the Department

Dr. P.D. Kahandage
Senior Lecturer/HeadProfessors

Prof. M.H.J.P. Gunarathna
Professor in Agricultural EngineeringProf. M.H.J.P. Gunarathna
Professor in Agricultural Engineering
Prof. M.G.T.S. Amarasekara
ProfessorProf. M.G.T.S. Amarasekara
Prof. Nadeeka Kumari
ProfessorProf. Nadeeka Kumari
Prof. N.S. Abeysinghe
ProfessorProf. N.S. Abeysinghe
Prof. G.V.T.V. Weerasooriya
Professor in Agricultural Engineering/DeanProf. G.V.T.V. Weerasooriya
Professor in Agricultural Engineering/DeanNo members found
Senior Lecturers

Dr. D.M.S. Duminda
Senior Lecturer Dep: of Agricultural Engineering and Soil Science
Dr. (Ms.) Jayaruwani Fernando
Senior Lecturer
Dr. P.D. Kahandage
Senior Lecturer/Head
Mrs. J.P.H.U. Jayaneththi
Senior Lecturer G. II (On study leave)Lecturers

Mr. R.A. Asanka Srimal Rathnayaka
Mrs. K.G.S. Nirmanee
Mr. Eranda Januka Kosgollegedara
Lecturer(Probationary)Non Academic Staff

Ms. Nandani Heendeniya
Management Assistant
Mr. M.R.N.B. Rathnayake
Technical officer
Mr. D.M.L.K. Dissanayake
Technical officer
Mr. Jagath Wijeweera
Technical Officer
Mr. B.M.U.R. Basnayake
Lab Attendant
Mrs. P.H.N.N. Gunasena
Lab Attendant
Mr.R.M.A. Ranasingha